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This wine is made from local non-aromatic white grapes from the Asti and Alessandria provinces. This is a straw-colored wine with an intense, distinctive, intense and appealing wine, with a fresh, dry, and, sometimes, slightly bubbly (Vivace) taste.
Read moreCortese is the undoubtedly the most indigenous white grape in Piedmont, and it is used in this white wine (85-100%), with the permitted addition of 15% local non-aromatic white grapes.
Read moreThis wine is made from the international Chardonnay grape (85-100%), with the permitted addition of 15% local non-aromatic white grapes.
Read moreThis white wine must contain at least 85% of Piedmont Cortese grape, with the permitted addition of local non-aromatic white grapes (15%).
Read moreThis white wine is made of 85% Pinot Bianco with the permitted addition of 15% Pinot Grigio and / or Pinot Nero and / or Chardonnay.
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