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Erice Grecanico is a more or less straw yellow white wine with green reflections. The bouquet is delicate, inviting and more or less fruity. The taste is dry, mellow and typical for the primary grape.
Read moreThis white wine uses the local grape, Grillo (85-100%), with permission to add local green grapes (0-15%).
Read moreIn the Erice zone, the Müller Thurgau grape (85-100%) results in a straw yellow white wine, with golden flecks. Local green grapes may also be added (0-15%).
Read moreErice Sauvignon is based on the international grape, Sauvignon (85-100%), with permission to add local green grapes (0-15%).
Read moreThis white wine is made from Carricante (60-100%), Catarratto Bianco Commune or Catarratto Lucido (max. 40%), with the addition of Trebbiano and/or Minella Bianca (0-15%).
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