We've found 73 wine(s) in our Italian Wine Guide which are good for Quiet moments.
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Wine: Red wine
Kind: Spumante
Taste: From dry to sweetish
Volume: Medium
Min. alcohol: 11.5%
Mandatory Storage: Min. 6 mos.
Storage potential: 2 years
If you know the Tuscan white wine Vernaccia di San Gimignano DOCG, you probably think that it is related to the wine below, but this is not the case – in fact, far from it. Vernaccia de Serrapetrona DOCG is a red, sparkling wine, i.e. a Spumante type.
Confused? Here is the explanation.
The grape variety is Vernaccia Nera (dark), which goes through a light drying, often until the end of the harvesting year before being pressed. Vernaccia Nera (85-100%) is mainly used for sparkling white wines, and the variety is rarely seen outside the region Marche's borders. To this variety, it is permitted to add up to 15% other non-aromatic red grapes from the zone. A maximum of 58% of the grapes used for vinification of the 'Dolce' version is partly dried before pressing.
Vernaccia di Serrapetrona DOCG is a curiosity which is rarely seen outside Marche. The wine is produced around the town and municipality of Serrapetrona and in parts of Belforte del Chienti and San Severino Marche, in the province of Macerata. The vineyards are located at high altitude.
The Vernaccia Nera variety has been cultivated here since ancient times. Soldiers were then partially paid in wine from Serrapetrona and in "Storia di Camerino e dintorni" (History of Camerino and vicinity) from the Middle Ages, a Polish mercenary is said to have exclamed: "Domine, Domine quare non Borgianasti regiones Nostra?" (Lord, Lord, why have you not made our country as Borgia?). Borgia is a village in the municipality of Serrapetrona.
Vernaccia di Serrapetrona DOCG is a fragrant and tasty sparkling wine of the Spumante type, varying in color from ruby red to dark garnet red, with a slightly bitter aftertaste. The foam is fine and the bubbles are persistent. The taste is distinctive and varies from dry to sweet, having notes of strawberries and raspberries on a pleasantly bitter background. Taste wise, you should be aware that the 'Secco' (dry) is seldom completely dry and the 'Dolce' is often only semi-sweet.
Although, you if you're not familiar with red sparkling wines, do not be scared. Vernaccia di Serrapetrona DOCG is certainly an interesting acquaintance.
Vernaccia di Serrapetrona DOCG has a mandatory aging period of approximately 6 months and may be released for sale by June 30th of the year following the harvest.
A dry, still red wine, Serrapetrona DOC is also available.
The locals enjoy the dry Vernaccia di Serrapetrona DOCG throughout the meal, and the sweet type only with desserts, such as berry tarts, strawberry cake or simply as an aperitif.
The storage potential is up to 2 years.
That Italy in 2011 was the worlds largest wine producer?