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Vinmarker i Pesaro, Urbino
Region: Marche
Zone: Colli Maceratesi DOC

Colli Maceratesi Ribona Spumante DOC

Facts about this wine

Wine: White wine
Kind: Spumante
Taste: Semi dry
Volume: Medium
Min. alcohol: 11%
Mandatory Storage: Min. 3 mos.
Storage potential: No saving potential

The sparkling white wine Colli Maceratesi Ribona Spumante is made from the same grapes as the quiet type , namely Maceracino, also known as Ribona or Montecchiese (85-100%), with the permitted addition of local white grapes (0-15%).

The production method is the so-called Metodo Classico, natural fermentation in the bottle. The wine must rest at least 3 months in the bottle after fermentation.

Colli Maceratesi Ribona Spumante is a pale straw yellow wine, with a distinctive scent, a slightly fruity bouquet and a dry flavor, pleasantly acidic.

The wine is best enjoyed as an aperitif.

The dessert type Colli Maceratesi Ribona Passito is made from the same grape blend.

Great dishes to have with Colli Maceratesi Ribona Spumante DOC

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