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47 wine(s) from Emilia-Romagna which are good for veal

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  • Red Wine

    Colli di Scandiano e di Canossa Rosso DOC

    This red wine is made of Marzemino grapes (50-100%), Cabernet Sauvignon and/or Malbo Gentile grapes (0-35%), with the permitted addition of other local, non-aromatic red grapes (15-50%).

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  • Red Wine

    Colli d’Imola Cabernet Sauvignon DOC

    This red wine is made from Cabernet Sauvignon grapes (85-100%), often referred to as the best of Colli d’Imola.

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  • Red Wine

    Colli d’Imola Sangiovese DOC

    In theory, this Sangiovese red wine is similar to the Sangiovese di Romagna DOC from the same region, but the difference lies in each producer’s interpretation of the wine.

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  • Red Wine

    Colli Piacentini Barbera DOC

    Denne rubinrøde vin har en med vinøs og karakteristisk duft. Druen er italiens mest udbredte, Barbera (85-100%), og der må tilsættes op til 15% andre ikke-aromatiske druer.

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  • Red Wine

    Colli Piacentini Bonarda DOC

    Colli Piacentini Bonarda DOC er en rubinrød vin, der til tider kan opleves som intens rød. Druen er Bonarda, som lokalt hedder Croatina (85-100%), og der må tilsættes op til 15% andre ikke-aromatiske druer.

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