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This wine uses the grapes Calabrese and/or Syrah (50-100%), together with other, local, non-aromatic red grapes (0-50%).
Read moreThis red wine is produced from the same grapes as the unaged Contessa Entellina Rosso. Thus it also uses the grapes Calabrese and/or Syrah (50-100%), together with other, local, non-aromatic red grapes (0-50%).
Read moreThis Sicilian red wine offers an intense, ruby red color with a tendency towards orange red after aging. It has an intense, yet pleasant bouquet, together with a dry, full, characteristic, inviting, balanced and slightly tannic taste.
Read moreIt's the international Merlot grape that primarily makes up this Sicilian red wine (85-100%). Local, red grapes can also be added (0-15%).
Read moreOne of the typical, powerful red wines from the local grape, Nero d’Avola (Calabrese). The wine must contain a minimum 85% of the grape, with permission to add local red grapes (0-15%).
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