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Sant’Antimo Merlot is one of the zone's varietal red wines. Merlot is the main grape here (85-100%), and other local red grapes may also be added (0-15%).
Read moreYet another single vineyard wine from the Sant’Antimo zone. The Pinot Nero (Noir) grape must constitute a minimum of 85%, and up to 15% local red grapes may also be added.
Read moreAs is the case with the white wine, Sant’Antimo Bianco, this red wine can also use a wide range of grapes, alternating between the international and the local.
Read moreThis varietal red wine uses the same grapes as in the regular Sovana Merlot Superiore. It must contain Merlot (85-100%), and may also contain local red grapes as well (0-15%).
Read moreThis red wine is produced from the same grape combination as the regular Sovana Rosso, and that is Sangiovese (50-100%), together with other local, non-aromatic red grapes (0-50%).
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