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The white wine Colli Romagna Centrale Chardonnay DOC is made exclusively from the grape bearing the same name. The result is a straw-yellow wine, with green hints. The scent is delicate, distinctive and intense, while the taste is dry, fresh and balanced.
Read moreIt is not often that one encounters barrel-aged white wines in Italy, but that is possible in Romagna. Just as the non-barrel aged Colli Romagna Centrale Chardonnay DOC, this white wine is made exclusively from Chardonnay grapes.
Read moreColli Romagna Centrale Trebbiano DOC is a dry white wine mainly made from Trebbiano Romagnolo grapes (85-100%) with the permitted addition of non-aromatic white grapes from the zone (0-15%).
Read moreColline di Riosto Sauvignon DOC is a white wine produced exclusively from the Sauvignon grape (100%).
Read moreColline Marconiane Pignoletto DOC is a white wine produced from the local grape Pignoletto (85-100%), with the permitted addition of other non-aromatic white grapes (0-15%).
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