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Region: Piemonte
Zone: Coste della Sesia DOC

Coste della Sesia Nebbiolo (Spanna) DOC

Facts about this wine

Wine: Red wine
Taste: Dry
Volume: Strong
Min. alcohol: 11%
Storage potential: 2 years

Spanna is the local name for the Nebbiolo grape variety, and it is used in this red wine (85-100%) with the permitted addition of 15% other local non-aromatic red grapes.

Coste della Sesia Nebbiolo DOC (Coste della Sesia Spanna DOC) is a garnet red wine which turns to orange-red with age. The scent is intense and characteristic, while the taste is dry, extremely rich and distinctive.

Great dishes to have with Coste della Sesia Nebbiolo (Spanna) DOC

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