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Vinmarker i vinterhi, Pesaro, Urbino, Marche
Region: Marche
Zone: Rosso Piceno DOC

Rosso Piceno Superiore DOC

Facts about this wine

Wine: Red wine
Taste: Dry
Volume: Strong
Min. alcohol: 12%
Mandatory Storage: Min. 1 years
Storage potential: 4 years

This red wine is made from the same grapes as the non-aged Rosso Piceno DOC, namely Montepulciano (35-70%), Sangiovese (30-50%), with the permitted addition of local non-aromatic red grapes (0-15%). Some producers try making pure Sangiovese wines, but the highest quality is achieved after a nice shot of Montepulciano.

Rosso Piceno Superiore DOC is grown in a subzone in the southernmost part of the production zone, in a defined area between Ascoli Piceno and the coastal town of San Benedetto del Tronto, in Southeast.

The minimum alcohol content is of 12%, and the wine may be released onto the market only after November 1st after the harvest.

Minimum aging period is one year in wooden casks, and the storage potential is up to 4 years or more.

Great dishes to have with Rosso Piceno Superiore DOC

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